Marlon Williams: Ngā Ao E Rua – Two Worlds

Coming Soon

Madman Entertainment

Marlon Williams: Ngā Ao E Rua – Two Worlds

Title Treatment

“Serenely beautiful”

Soana Aholeilei

“A love lesson for all Aotearoa”

Mike McRoberts

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

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Marlon Williams: Ngā Ao E Rua – Two Worlds - Poster

An intimate four-year portrait of performer Marlon Williams as he writes and records his first te reo Māori language album.

Marlon Williams: Ngā Ao E Rua - Two Worlds gives audiences a behind the scenes glimpse at Williams’ most ambitious project to date, writing an album in te reo Māori, and the personal challenges he faces along the way. The film weaves together Williams’ different worlds, from international tours and recording the album, to life in his hometown of Ōhinehou (Lyttelton). The film captures poignant moments, like travelling with his dad to his marae in Tōrere for the first time in decades.

Rating: CTC
Marlon Williams: Ngā Ao E Rua – Two Worlds - Poster
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